Michael Mehl : AI Images

I have always found interesting the correlation of text to image. Having worked in advertising and experimented with digital art forms for decades, said correlation has always been integral to my work. Consequently, the possibilities offered by Generative AI to prompt images from narrative descriptions, are, not a substitute for any of my crafts, but a legitimate opportunity for further exploration.



El Lechón AI Portrait Series 
AI Image Prompts by Michael Mehl : 2023
A recent invitation to gather a diverse group of friends for a Cuban Lechón (roasted piglet) dinner, seemed a fine occasion to create a series of AI portraits of the individuals that would be attending the dinner (and a few quadrupeds, lechón included). The prompts for each portrait were specific to each individual’s personality, main or favorite activity, and general physical appearance.

Click HERE or on the image below to view a PDF monograph of my El Lechón AI Portrait Series.
